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Archive for the ‘Culture’ Category

The Gospel According to St. Franchise

In Culture, One Horizon on July 17, 2013 at 2:07 pm

OHI Fellow Releases New E-Book


On July 4, 2013, OHI fellow Billy Kenney released his first book entitled, “The Gospel According to Saint Franchise,” through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. This book is a satire based on the Gospel of Matthew. It follows Jesus and his disciples on a darkly humorous journey as God reveals his true desire for the future of the people of Israel. By faithfully abiding temptation and trial Jesus has demonstrated his worthiness and is now prepared to claim his proper title of Messiah, and his rightful place as the unquestioned hegemon of world affairs. “Tell me Son, how can the mite of a widow ever possibly compare with the might of an army?” asks God. Thus begins Jesus’ quest to use all possible means available to him to make sure that Israel becomes the most resplendent empire that the world ever has or ever will see. He is Saint Franchise, the brand above all brands who will bring hegemony over the entire earth in the name above all names!

“I wrote this book as a way to help draw out the very stark contrast that I see between many of our modern western values and ideals, and the story of Jesus,” says Kenney. “So, in this sense, it is an attempt to invite people to critically reflect upon how cultural values and ideals deeply influence and often deform or pervert our understanding of Christian identity and practice,” he said. The book’s cover features a work of art that was done by OHI’s Steve Pavey, who also did the cover design. It is available for download to all Kindle or Kindle compatible devices here

Participatory Action Research Project with Latino/a Youth in Kentucky

In Community, Culture, Refugees & Immigration, Uncategorized on October 1, 2011 at 1:33 pm

In partnership with the Bluegrass Community and Technical College & the University of Kentucky, Dr. Steve Pavey facilitated a week long participatory action research project at the LLCEC (Latino Leadership College Experience Camp).  The youth called their project,  “Walk a Mile in Our Chanclas:  Nuestra Lucha as Undocumented Students in Kentucky.”  Dr. Pavey hopes this pilot project will be the seed that grows into a regular program he is calling the Artivism Research Collective.

A.R.C. – Artivism Research Collective

Artist + Activist + Researcher = Bending Towards Justice

 “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
–  Martin Luther King, Jr.

“The artivist (artist +activist) uses her artistic talents to fight and struggle against injustice and oppression—by any medium necessary.  The artivist merges commitment to freedom and justice with the pen, the lens, the brush, the voice, the body, and the imagination.  The artivist knows that to make an observation is to have an obligation.”
–  M.K. Asante, Jr. (Its Bigger than Hip Hop)

“The silenced are not just incidental to the curiosity of the researcher but are the masters of inquiry into the underlying causes of the events in their world. In this context research becomes a means of moving them beyond silence into a quest to proclaim the world.”
–  Paulo Freire 

Katongole Intensive

In Culture on September 22, 2010 at 3:45 pm

Emmanuel Katongole and Intensive participants

[Originally posted August 3, 2010]

In July, One Horizon co-sponsored Amahoro Africa’s first “Theological Intensive,” intended to introduce African church leaders to cutting edge thinking and practice from some of the world’s leading theologians.  The intensive was hosted in Entebbe, Uganda and led by Dr. Emmanuel Katongole, a Ugandan priest and professor of theology at Duke University. Held at Dr. Katongole’s guest house on the banks of Lake Victoria, the intensive welcomed twenty leaders from Congo, South Africa, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and the United States.

Amahoro Africa is a growing indigenous movement focused upon facilitating “holistic transformation by encouraging, resourcing and connecting emerging African leaders who are committed to the tangible manifestation of justice, mercy and goodness in their local context.”  One Horizon is proud to be a sponsor of the work of Amahoro and the ecumenical spirit that animates this work.